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Optimo API set-up guide

This guide is a master checklist for setting up the Optimo API from start to finish.

Introductions and initial set-up




Get a general understanding of what the Optimo API does

See Overview of the Optimo API.


Let us know you're interested in using our API and work out an agreement

Please Contact Optimo Financial and we'll see how we can help each other.


Initial set up – exchange important information

We will let you know what information we need from you (if any), and will provide with details for how to create a partner log in.


Introductions and demos

Introduce our teams and share demonstrations of our products so we can reach a mutual understanding.

Set up your API connection (for developers)




If using the Input API, create templates

  • Have a meeting with Optimo to explain the data you will be pushing from your system to Pathfinder

  • Optimo will make templates for you to use in your implementation that are specific to your needs


Review the Optimo API test view sandbox and download the sample code

See Optimo API test view.


Review and implement the functions you would like to use with our system

See Functions.

Releasing your API connection to production (for developers)




Let Optimo Financial know that you're ready to release to production

  • We’ll make sure everything’s ready on our side


Update your instance to point to production

  • The case IDs are 4 digit numbers and are not visible to users (users can identify a case by the name and creation date).

  • Set-up your production registration page so your users can register with Pathfinder and automatically be connected to your system – Optimo Financial will provide you with the link.

  • Change the link in your code to refer to the production API. In the sample code, set the _baseUrls variable value to


Test (if necessary)

Most of our testing will have been completed in sandbox, however, to do a quick check in production:

  1. To set-up a new log in, register with the customer registration form you have been provided by Optimo Financial.

  2. For adding cases:

    1. To start, you can sign up for a 14-day free trial subscription by clicking the ‘Add new case’ button and following the prompts. No credit card is required. To save you getting a of subscription emails, you can cancel the subscription on the ‘Manage users’ page.

    2. After your 14-day trial free subscription ends, please Contact Optimo Financial and we can add some free cases for you, so you can keep adding cases without needing to enter credit card details (note: the 'fake credit card' details you used in the sandbox won't work in production).

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