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26 September 2023 | Updates for Pathfinder solver issues

This page is for live updates about persistently getting the ‘All solvers are busy’ message when you click ‘Start solve’ in Pathfinder.

The latest update is at the top of the page.

11am update (28 September) - Issue resolved

We're back at full capacity and this incident has been resolved. Our apologies for the inconvenience and thanks for your patience.

3pm update (27 September)

We’ve completed the majority of fixes, and are doing testing. We are still gathering information to estimate when this fix will be ready.

At the moment, for most cases, the solve times should be acceptable (under a minute) and the chances of getting an ‘All solvers are busy’ message is close to normal levels.

However, if you have a complex case, particularly where you have selected options that slow down the solver, it is still strongly recommended that you change the number of years of analysis to 10 years, and follow the steps to reduce solve times:

9.45pm Update (26 September)

We’ve made a temporary patch, which should significantly reduce how often you see the ‘All solvers are busy’ message. Plus, if you do see it, you shouldn’t need to wait so long to find one.

However, solve times may still be a bit slower than normal. This will be updated in the next few days to return to normal speeds.

5.20pm update (26 September)

We’re making progress on the fix and expect to be back to normal later this evening (we’ll post here when it is).

In the interim, it is possible to click ‘Start solve’, however, if you get the ‘All solvers are busy' message, you may need to make several attempts in order to find a solver. If it persists for over 5 minutes, we suggest coming back in 10 minutes. We strongly recommend avoiding cases that might take a long time to solve, since they will be a particular issue at the moment.

To make Pathfinder easier to manage during this issue, please:

4pm update (26 September)

We have found the issue are still working on a fix. We will post an update when we expect to be back to normal.

In the interim, it is possible to click ‘Start solve’, however, if you get the ‘All solvers are busy' message, you may need to make several attempts in order to find a solver. If it persists for over 5 minutes, we suggest coming back in 10 minutes.

To make Pathfinder easier to manage during this issue, please:

1.40pm update (26 September)

Pathfinder is experiencing some issues, where when you click 'Start Solve' you will get a 'No solvers are available' message and can't get results. We are actively investigating and hope to have an update by 3pm today.  There are no issues with entering data, however, you may not be able to solve and get results. Our apologies for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

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