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New Pathfinder Release (Voss) - New pricing, new branding, transfer balance validations

Thursday 24 March 2022

Release overview

Useful links

New Branding!

We've updated the Optimo Financial and Optimo Pathfinder branding, so on the home page, and throughout Pathfinder, you'll see some updates to the logo, favicon (the icon you see on your browser tab) and colours. It's a new look, but the same software!

We've also updated our company website .

New logos

New favicons

New Pricing

We've made the first change to our pricing since 2017. We're removing the old bulk case bundles, and have added a more flexible subscription. Our new pricing is (ex GST):

  • Single case: $129/case

  • Monthly subscription: $249 per user for unlimited cases

You can choose from either of the new pricing options when you click Add new case.

For more, see

Updated terms and conditions

As part of our new pricing, we have also updated our terms and conditions, which are avaialble here:

Information about our new pricing for existing users

The changes to pricing will affect some existing users in a few situations.




I have a login under a company with multiple Pathfinder logins

  • With the new pricing, only the log in under which the purchase was made can deduct from the bundle. For example, if user 1 bought the bundle, then user 2 cannot deduct cases from it (previously, if user 1 bought the bundle, then user 2 could deduct cases from it too).

  • Typically, organisations have users who are advisors or support staff log ins. So:

    • Advisor logins should make the purchase and and add the case

    • Support staff can only edit the case once it has been added.

  • Each user under an organisation can choose their own pricing plan (e.g. all subscriptions, all case-by-case, a combination)

We understand this change may be inconvient if you have remaining cases in a bundle, so we can reallocate cases to different log ins, if you need to. To find out more about your options please Contact Optimo Financial.

I bought an 11 or 25 case bundle and haven't used up all my cases, yet

Pre-existing bundles are not affected, apart from who can deduct cases from the bundle if your company has multiple log ins (see above row). This means, you can keep using your bundle with the same number of cases and bundle expiry date as before we released this change.

Once you use up all the cases in your pre-existing bundle, the new pricing will apply.

If you have any questions or concerns, please .

I need to make a purchase and I want to start a subscription

Just click the 'Add new case' button and you'll be taken to the payment page where you can choose the 'subscription' option (which starts with a 14-day free trial)

If you have any questions please .

I need to make a purchase, but I don't want to start a subscription, I want to keep buying cases as I need them.

You can continue buying single cases the same as before (but you can't buy bundles of 11 or 25 cases any more).

To buy a single case, just click the 'Add new case' button and you'll be taken to the payment page where you can choose the 'single case' option.

If you have any questions please .

Improved transfer balance validations

We've improved the validations for the transfer balance cap fields for Individuals on the Personal Details sub-step (under Current Situation step (top menu)).  So, if you enter transfer balance information that isn't consistent with other data in your case, then these validations will help you understand what needs to be changed. Note that some validations will appear on the fields themselves, but others will only appear on the 'Solve' step, and so you'll need to read the message to see which field you need to return to and adjust.

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