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Commonwealth Senior's Health Care Card (CSHC card) and Pensioner Concession Card


The Commonwealth Senior's Health Care Card (CSHC card) and Pensioner concession cards are government benefits that allow seniors to have cheaper medical costs. Each card has different eligility.  In Pathfinder, the results will state if the individual is eligible for the card, but these cards have no monetary value in the projections.

Required data entry

To include the CSHC card and Pensioner Concession Card, there are no specific options, however Pathfinder will individual's eligibility for it based on:

  • the inputs (e.g. age)
  • calculated results (e.g. whether or not they meet the income test in the given year, whether they are are projected to receive the Age pension

You do not need to include an income that corresponds to rebates or discounts that an individual would receive if they have these cards.


If an individual is projected to be eligible to receive the CSHC card or Pensioner Concession card, then it will be mentioned in the following results:

  • In the action items, there will be a line if they are eligible to receive it for each year =:
    • For the CSHC card, there will be a stand-alone action item. e.g. Having already reached your age pension age of 65 years and satisfying the income test, you are eligible for the Commonwealth Seniors Health card.
    • For the Pensioner Concession Card, their eligibility will be mentioned in the action item for their Age pension payment. e.g. Having already reached your age pension age of 65 years, you start receiving the government's age pension. Your first payment is projected to be $25,023 which is the full pension. You will also be eligible for the Pensioner Concession card.
  • In the detailed reports there is a report to show how eligibility was calculated and what years they are eligible:
    • On the left menu, select the individual, and then: Cash flows > Concession and health care cards
    • In the report, there are lines to show their eligibility year-by-year and more information how how their eligibility is calculated.
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