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Fixed Interest results

For general tips about reading the results, see the Results step.

You can see results about a fixed interest account in the following places.

Strategy summary step

Go to the Results step on the top menu, and then choose the Strategy summary sub-step.

On this page, you can see:

  • In the Assumptions for Scenario summary, each Fixed Interest asset is listed with its interest rate

  • Further down the page, each Fixed Interest Asset is listed with:

    • For existing assets:

      • The balance at the start of the analysis

      • The date of the maturity of the asset

      • Whether interest is reinvested or paid out

      • The projected final payment

    • For proposed assets:

      • The year and the amount of the initial investments and whether multiple investments are allowed

      • The term of the asset

      • Whether interest is reinvested or paid out

      • The projected final balance of the investment

    • There are two charts accompanying this data:

      • The projected net balance

      • The projected investments and payments

Cash flows & Action items

Go to the Results step top menu, and then choose the Cash flows & action items sub-step.

Click for a screenshot

In the Cash flows report:

  • The Revenue section lists the following lines (if in the strategy):

    • Income from the fixed interest account if interest payments are scheduled annually

    • Withdrawals from the fixed interest account, which represent the maturing of the asset

  • The Expenditure section lists the following items (if in the strategy):

    • Deposits to the fixed interest account, which represent opening a new fixed interest asset

    • Income reinvested, which is when the interest payments are scheduled at maturity

Detailed reports

Go to the Results step top menu, and then choose the Cash flows & action items sub-step.

Click for a screenshot

The following reports may be useful (note, these reports list values for every year in the analysis):

  • The main report gives an overview of the asset, including year-by-year deposits, withdrawals and balances:

    • For directly owned accounts: Go to Consolidated > Assets & Loans > (Fixed interest name)

    • For fixed interest owned by an SMSF: Go to Consolidated > (SMSF name) > Assets & Loans > (Fixed interest name)

  • Under the (Fixed interest) report are sub-reports for:

    • Entry fee - calculates the annual entry fee, if any, for deposits

    • Investment return - calculates, for each year, the return on the invested funds

    • Reinvested income - shows the proportion of the investment return which is reinvested, which is either 0 or 1

  • For each owner, under (Individual) > Assets & Loans, there are similar reports for the asset. However, if it it jointly owned, only the individual's portion of withdrawals, deposits, and balances are reported.

Adjusting your results

If you would like to change something in the results or make another scenario for comparison, you need to change your input data and solve again. See Fixed interest (term deposits, government bonds) for data entry tips.

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