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How to include or exclude the super guarantee (SG)

The super guarantee is the compulsory amount of your salary that your employer must pay into your super account. Pathfinder has several options for calculating the super guarantee.

Using the legislated super guarantee

If an individual is earning a salary and has not negotiated a different default super guarantee amount, then you just need to add the individual's income:

  • Go to the Cash flows sub-step (under the Cash flows & Goals step on the top menu), and find the Income section, and add a new income

  • For the income 'Type' field, choose the 'Wages/Salary'. For the list of income types that have the super guarantee applied, see the table on the Income and find the types where the 'Pre-set value' includes 'The super guarantee is applied to this amount.'

  • The amount(s) you enter for income should be before tax and not already include the super guarantee, because Pathfinder will add the the super guarantee for you. For the list of income types that have the super guarantee added, see Income.

Based on the values you have entered, Pathfinder will automatically calculate the super guarantee based on the legislated values, including legislated future increases (if any).

Apply a custom super guarantee

If the individual has an agreement with their employer to receive a higher super guarantee, then you need to enter their income and custom super guarantee amount:

  • Add the individual's income:

    • Go to the Cash flows sub-step (under the Cash flows & Goals step on the top menu), and find the Income section, and add a new income

    • For the income 'Type' field, choose the 'Wages/Salary'. For the list of income types that have the super guarantee applied, see the table on the Income and find the types where the 'Pre-set value' includes 'The super guarantee is applied to this amount.'

    • The amount(s) you enter for income should be before tax and not already include the super guarantee because Pathfinder will add the super guarantee for you. 

  • Enter the custom super guarantee:

    • Go to the Retirement planning sub-step (under the Cash flows & Goals step on the top menu), find the individual and edit these fields:

      • Custom super guarantee % - this should be the super guarantee amount that they have negotiated with their employer

      • Keep super guarantee to upper limit - There is an upper limit on how much an employer is required to contribute as a super guarantee. If the individual's super guarantee is likely to be over the legislated super guarantee upper limit, you can choose whether or not this limit can be exceeded (note that if you choose 'yes', it will not exceed the total concessional cap)

Excluding the super guarantee

(note: If you want to completely exclude super contributions and super funds from the case, then see How to skip entering a super account (a workaround))

If the individual is self-employed and not earning a super guarantee, then when you enter their income, you just need to choose the correct 'Type':

  • Go to the Cash flows sub-step (under the Cash flows & Goals step on the top menu), and find the Income section, and add a new income

  • For the 'Type' choose an income that does not apply the super guarantee, such as 'Business' (do not choose 'Wages/Salary').  For the complete list of income types that do not have the super guarantee applied, see the table on the Income and find the types where the 'Pre-set value' includes 'The super guarantee is not applied to this amount' or does not mention the super guarantee at all.

  • Note that if you would like to stop this income at retirement, you'll need to click the 'Customise' button and enter '0' (zero) in their retirement year.

Then, you can choose your options for voluntary super contributions at the Retirement planning goal (super contributions and pensions) step.

Checking the super guarantee in the results

To view the super guarantee in the results, see: Detailed reports > (Individual - side menu) > Cash flows > Super deposits summary.  In the 'Concessional deposits' section, there are lines for:

  • Super guarantee % - this will either be the legislated value (including any legislated future increases or the custom value you entered)

  • Super guarantee - this is the dollar amount actually paid as the super guarantee

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