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Input API function

Before using the functions on this page, you may find it useful to review the following information:

The list of all functions is here.

Description of this function

  • Push a new or existing base case

  • Get a base case

List of functions

  • /service/pushCase

  • /service/getBaseCase

  • /service/getYaml

OnLoadSampleCase() – Load a case function

This JavaScript function does not directly use the API. It in used in API Test View to load a sample case JSON file into the DOM and display it to the user, to help visualise the use of the API.

function OnLoadSampleCase() {
    $("#resultjson").show().html(JSON.stringify(sampleCase, null, 2));
    $("#apiresult").html("Sample case loaded.");

/service/pushCase function – Push a new or existing case

Getting a case returns the JSON in the same format as is used when pushing a case, hence this can be useful for testing. If you want to round trip, you would first push the case then get the case and compare the JSON returned with what was submitted. If pushing a new case, the caseId value should be null.

function OnPushCase() {// Test 7
    var caseId = $('#newcaseid').val();
    var url = '/service/pushcase';
    if (caseId)
        url += '?caseId=' + caseId;
    var data = JSON.parse($("#resultjson").html());
    OnGetJson(url, data);

/service/getBaseCase function – Get a case

This retrieves the current case as set by /service/setCase. It returns JSON in the new API format.

function OnGetExistingCase() {// Test 8

/service/getYaml function – Get a case’s YAML specification

This retrieves the current case as set by /service/setCase in YAML format.

function OnGetYaml() {// Test 8
    window.location = _baseUrl + "/service/getyaml?id=" + _uuid;
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