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Technical update: HELP thresholds, Age pension, Aged care, FTB (Xiake v4)

Pathfinder Xiake v4: Released

Notes published

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The government recently published a number of figures that have been indexed upwards by CPI, which we have updated accordingly in Pathfinder. For future years, these figures will be indexed by our forecasted CPI.

HELP thresholds

  • The HELP debt repayment income thresholds have each increased by 6.59%. The thresholds now range from $51,549 and below, for a 0% repayment rate, to $151,201 and above, for 10%.

  • These figures can be found in the document.

Age pension

  • These figures include deeming rates, as well as income and asset tests thresholds for the government age pension, and have generally increased by 7-8% from the previous year.

  • This data can be found on the Services Australia website.

Aged care

Family Tax Benefit

  • The figures relating to Family tax benefit part A and B include maximum supplement payments and income test thresholds, which have all increased around 11-12%.

  • This data can be found at the Family Assistance Guide website.

Did you miss our previous update?

Last month, we released improvements to action items, validation messages, and SDS cases: New Pathfinder Release (Xiake v3 new features)

New assumptions: Refresh your results!

For consistency, refresh your results by clicking the Start solve button for scenarios with existing results created on or before the release date. If you are unsure when your results were created, see How to check when your results were created. Note that some numbers in your results may change when these new assumptions are applied.

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