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Checking data imported to Pathfinder from Plannerpad

If you have imported data from Plannerpad to Pathfinder, it is a good idea to check your data is complete and correct. Please note that this list includes suggestions, but may not include everything relevant for your case.

What to checkHow to do it
Learn how to navigate in a caseIf you're not familiar with navigating in Pathfinder, see How to navigate in a case.
Review expenses

Where to review expenses

  1. Go to the Cash flows & Goals step, then choose the Cash flows sub-step
  2. Scroll down to the Expenses section

Move expenses to other sections, if necessary

There are some expenses which are best entered in other sections of Pathfinder and removed from the 'Expenses' section (otherwise expenses might be doubled up, or it won't be modelled properly):

  • HELP/HECS debt repayments - You can enter this at the Current situation > Assets & Loans step (Pathfinder will calculate the repayments.  For more, see HELP debt (a.k.a Higher Education Loan Programme debt, HECS debt)
  • Insurance premiums - it's best to enter this under the Current situation > Insurance step
  • Loan repayments - these should be entered with the loan in the Current situation

For more, see Expense.

Adjust the 'Type' field

In this section, you may want to review the Type field for the expenses, including:

  • Rent - if you use this type, the amount will be stopped automatically if a family home is purchased

  • Annual living expenses - income with this type will be conflated in the ‘Cash flows’ report

Customise the indexation or adjust future values

Click the Customise button at the end of the row if:

  • You want to change the indexation of the expense. e.g. If you have a warning message saying "Amount' is not indexed...", you can click 'Customise' to change the indexation to CPI
  • You want to stop or or change the value in future years. e.g. only apply the expense for 6 years.

For more, see How to use the series builder.

Add instructions for what you'd like to do for assets, loans and super

For each existing item, you will need to set instructions for how it should be modelled in Pathfinder (e.g. Keep or sell an investment property).  To do this:

  • On the top menu, go to Cash flows & Goals, and then choose the Review assets & loans sub-step.
  • Scroll down the page and choose an option for each asset and loan you entered. In many cases, the fields you need to fill be will be blank and marked with a 'this field is required' error, however it is a good idea to review all fields.
Add proposed items

If you would like to include new items, they can be entered at the Cash flows & goals step. New items include:

  • New assets or super funds
  • Future expenses such as a new car purchase

For more information, see Entering Data in Pathfinder

Adjust indexation of future values

In Pathfinder, you can adjust future values, by either:

  • Adjusting how much the value is indexed by. For example, you may wish to adjust how much a property's value is expected to increase.  You can review the values being used in the assumptions at the Results > Solve step (for more, see How to see and edit the assumptions)
  • Adjusting a value that is expected to start, stop or change. For example, you may wish to only apply an expense for the next 6 years or change a salary from full time to part-time work.

Fields that allow you to make these adjustments are called "Series builder" fields and are marked with a blue sparkline.

Learn more about the series builder. Click here to expand...

The series builder is a blue sparkline

that lets you change values over time for some fields (e.g. interest rates, property values, income).

Any field that uses the series builder will have an arrow ▼ on the right of the field, which opens a pop-up with more options. Note that the sparkline chart is only for the first 10 years, so if you want to see more years, open the pop-up.

For more see How to use the series builder

Check for missing data
  1. If you have an item in your case and it doesn't have data that Pathfinder needs, then you will get an error message.  To see the list of all the error message on your case:
    1. Go to the Results > Solve step
    2. At 'Step 1: Check errors and warning in your input data', you can click links to take you to the page needing the correction
  2. Alternatively, you can also click through each step and check for errors and warnings marked on each field
  3. There may also be data that is relevant for the analysis which was not captured in Plannerpad.  If this is the case, you can enter it directly in Pathfinder.  Some examples of this kind of data are Trusts and SMSFs.
Check for doubled-up data

Check for items which could duplicate data entry in other parts of Pathfinder. Some examples are:

  • Loan repayments should be entered against the loan (at the Current situation > Assets & loans step) and not as an expense. Loan repayments should also not be included as part of their total living expenses.
  • If the individual receives the Age Pension, in Pathfinder set the 'Include Age pension estimate?' field to 'Yes' (at the Cash flows & Goals > Retirement planning step) instead of entering it as income. (for more, see How to include or exclude the Government Age Pension)

If you solve your case, it can be easier to see doubled-up data in the Cash flows report at the Results > Cash flows & action items step.

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