How to check your case details for an SDS case
If you have submitted a case to the Optimo Financial SDS, then you can check the details of the case in various ways:
- If anything is required from you (e.g. accept a quote, answer a question, review results), then you will receive an email notification which will also have instructions to how to complete the action
- On the Pathfinder home page:
- You can use the tabs at the top of the page to only see SDS cases:
- SDS in progress cases - this lists the cases that are in progress
- SDS waiting cases - this lists the case that are waiting for an action from you (e.g. accept quote)
- When you select a case, a panel will show more details for the case including:
- Case status
- Quote value
- Expected due date
- Whether you need to answer any questions
- Action buttons (e.g. accept quote, accept results)
- You can use the tabs at the top of the page to only see SDS cases:
If you have any queries about your case, you can Contact Optimo Financial.