Reverse mortgage
If a case has this item, it cannot be done with the websolve, and needs to be submitted to the Optimo Financial SDS.
Items which should be entered under Reverse Mortgage
- To add an existing Reverse Mortgage, go to the Assets & Loans step (on the top menu) and click the Add Loans button (on the left menu)
- A new Reverse Mortgage can only be done by the Optimo Financial SDS, to enter the details of the new reverse mortgage, go to the Cashflows & Goals step and enter the details in the Scenario notes section (our analysts will take care of the data entry when the case is submitted to the SDS).
- To add a new Reverse Mortgage, go to the Cashflows & Goals step and enter the details in the Scenario notes section (our analysts will take care of the data entry when the case is submitted to the SDS)