Troubleshooting data entry and solve issues
Issue | Possible Solutions |
First things to try if Pathfinder is behaving strangely (e.g. data isn't being saved or you get the error page) | If you have any difficulties with Pathfinder, the first things to try are the following:
When you try to solve, you get a message that says 'Solve failed due to some problem. Please contact Optimo at' | Some things to try are:
You get a page that says 'Oops: Sorry! Something went wrong!' | The most likely cause is you have Pathfinder open in more than one browser window. For more details, see Recovering from an 'Oops: Sorry! Something went wrong!' error message |
You can't edit or add data in the Pathfinder form or you cannot see any Add, Delete or copy buttons | Make sure you are editing the case, not viewing the case:
When you try to do something, an Error message pops up that says ‘Error’ |
Your case is slow to solve | |
You get an error when you try to download a document |