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How to have two different cases open at the same time

Pathfinder only supports being open in one browser window/tab at a time. If a case is open or being edited in multiple windows without following the instructions on this page, you may have version control issues, lose data or get error messages.

If you would like to look at two different cases at the same time with the same login:

  1. Log in to Pathfinder and open the first case.

  2. In your browser, open a new window in 'Incognito mode' or 'Private browsing mode':

    1. It will depend on your browser what this mode is called and how to open a new window.

    2. In Chrome, click the three-dotted icon in the top right corner of the screen. then select 'New incognito window'.

  3. In the incognito window, log in to Pathfinder and open the second case.

If two logins want to look at the same case at the same time, only one login can 'Edit' the case, and the other login has to 'View' it:

  1. The first login can select the case on th ehome page and click 'Edit' case

  2. The second login can select the case on the home page and click 'View' case

  3. Note that logins can't see another login's results.  Each log in needs to click solve under their own login.

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