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Registering with Dash and connecting your Pathfinder log in

The process for registering with Dash and Pathfinder depends on whether you already have a log in for either system.

Please check this page for the section that suits your situation.

Note: Pathfinder logins that are connected to Dash can only have subscriptions (you cannot buy case by case).

Options for setting up and linking your Dash and Pathfinder log ins

I need logins for Dash and Pathfinder

Create new log ins with in both systems and make sure you use the same email address for your username:

  1. Register with Pathfinder here:

    1. When you are ready to push cases to Pathfinder, you will be prompted to sign up for a trial Pathfinder subscitpion. For details, see How to sign up for a subscription trial

  2. Register with Dash here:

I already have a Dash log in, and I need a Pathfinder login

  1. Create your Pathfinder log here:

    1. It's best to use the same email as your Dash log in

  2. When you are ready to push cases to Pathfinder, you will be prompted to sign up for a trial Pathfinder subscitpion. For details, see How to sign up for a subscription trial

I already have a Pathfinder login, and I need a Dash login

Note: Once your Pathfinder log in is connected to Dash, you can only sign up for subscriptions (you can no longer buy single cases).

  1. Register for Dash here, using the same email as your Pathfinder log in:

  2. To connect your two log ins, please Contact Optimo Financial and tell us:

    1. Your Pathfinder user name/email

    2. That you would like to connect your Pathfinder log in to your Dash log in

  3. The Pathfinder support team will let you know when it's ready

  4. If you have exiting cases in Pathfinder that you want to link to contacts in Dash, then please see How to link an existing case to Dash

I already have logins for Dash and Pathfinder, and I need them to be connected

Note: Once your Pathfinder log in is connected to Dash, you can only sign up for subscriptions (you can no longer buy single cases).

If you have log ins for Dash and Pathfinder that need to be connected, please Contact Optimo Financial and tell us:

  1. Your Pathfinder user name/email

  2. That you would like to connect your Pathfinder log in to your Dash log in

  3. The Pathfinder support team will let you know when it's ready

  4. If you have exiting cases in Pathfinder that you want to link to contacts in Dash, then please see How to link an existing case to Dash

Next steps

See Overview of using Dash and Pathfinder

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