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Legislative updates and Optimo Pathfinder

The Optimo Pathfinder model only includes legislation that has been passed in both houses of parliament and received Royal Assent from the Governor General. However, we are constantly monitoring proposed changes so that if they become law, Pathfinder is updated quickly.

Proposed legislation that  we are keeping an eye on

We maintain a page for each calendar year to show legislation we are keeping an eye on and, if it is given Royal Assent, when it is released to Pathfinder:

Technical updates that have been released to Pathfinder

Technical updates in Pathfinder include updates to legislation and other details (e.g. indexation, interest rates)

Legislation not implemented in Pathfinder, even though it has received Royal Assent

Sometimes, schemes that are not widely used are not implemented in Pathfinder. However, if you would find it useful to have these schemed included, please Contact Optimo Financial and we may be able to suggest a workaround or it may increase the priority to include them.



First Home Super Saver Scheme

Allows individuals to save for the first home using their superannuation.

This has not been implemented in Pathfinder because it has not been a popular request.  If you would like to model this, please  Contact Optimo Financial and we may be able to suggest a workaround.

Downsizer scheme

Allow eligible individuals to contribute the proceeds of downsizing the family home into superannuation.

A workaround is available here How to model downsizing contributions to superannuation (a workaround)

Pension loan scheme

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