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If a case has this item, it cannot be done with the websolve, and needs to be submitted to the Optimo Financial SDS.

What should be entered as a Trust

Although Trusts cannot be used for the websolve, if you would like it to be modelled in the Optimo Financial SDS, then entering the data for the Trust in Pathfinder allows our analysts to process your case more efficiently. Please note that we may not be able to model very unusual Trusts structures, so if in doubt, please Contact Optimo Financial.

  • The following can be added as a Trust:

    • Discretionary Trust

    • Unit Trust

  • (error) Do not enter under Trust:

How to add a Trust

To add an existing Trust:

  1. Go to the Current situation step (top menu), then the Super & Trusts sub-step. Then, click the Add Trust button (on the left menu)

  2. Fill in the Beneficiary details on the main form of the Trust

  3. Add existing Assets and loans held in the Trust with the Add investment to Trust button on the left menu (you may need to scroll down to see all the options)

  4. To then add a new assets to the existing Trust:

    1. Go to the Cash flows & Goals > Review Trusts step

    2. Find the Trust in the Existing Trust section, and click the Add new investment to Trust button

To add an new Trust:

  1. Go to the Cash flows & Goals step (top menu), then the Review Trusts sub-step. Then scroll down and click the +Start a new Trust button.

  2. Fill in the Beneficiary details

  3. Add investments with the Add new investment to Trust button at the end of the form

Modelling options for Trusts

Since Trusts are not part of the websolve, if you have a Trust in your case and do not submit it to the SDS, then Pathfinder will optimise the Trust gifts, distributions and assets to maximise net wealth at the end of the analysis.  This may not be a practical or realistic strategy so you should review your results very carefully and, preferably, submit the case to the Optimo Financial SDS.

Results for a Trust

See Trust results.

Related items

Strategy Development Service (SDS) and Background adjustment options

If the case includes complex analysis that you are not able to do in Pathfinder yourself, Optimo Support may be able to do some background adjustments to help you get the results you need. Depending on the complexity, this may be included as part of the standard support or additional charges may apply. For more details, please see Modelling outside the scope of Pathfinders' standard modelling.

Some examples of things that are outside the scope of Pathfinder's modelling and how Optimo support can help, are listed below:



Information required by Optimo Support

Examples where additional charges may apply

Unusual Trust structures

Pathfinder can handle simple, common Trust structions, although there are some limitations. If you do the modelling youself, then you should carefully check the reults, and be mindful that you may not be able to control everything yourself, and that the results may not be complete or correct.

The name of the Trust. the results you are seeing, and how you would like them to actually look. Plus, details of the Trust structure.

Optimo Standard support, can only make very simple adjustments to gifting and distributions (see below).

For changes beyong that, including Trust structures Pathfinder cannot model by default, multiple trusts, errors or more complex adjustments, it is likely that the case will need to be submitted to the Optimo Financial SDS.

Gifts into a Trust

By default, Pathfinder will calculate gifting amounts and who should do the gifting based on maximising net wealth at the end of the analysis. If you would like to adjust gifting amounts (e.g. set to zero, or set exact amounts), then Optimo Support may be able to assist you.

The name of the trust and whose gifting you would like to change.

If it is just preventing gifting for one Trust, or setting an exact gifting amount in one year (or the same amount for all years), then this is likely to be part of free support.

If there are multiple trusts, more complex reuqests, or there is a shortfall, we may suggest that you submit the case to the Optimo Financial SDS .

DIstributions from Trusts

By default, Pathfinder will calculate distributions and who should receive the distributions based on maximising net wealth at the end of the analysis. If you would like to adjust distribution amounts, then Optiom support may be able to assist you.

The nam eof the trust, the results you are seeing, and how you would like them to look.

Similar to gifts, if it is just preventing one individual from receiving distributions for one Trust, then this is likely to be part of free support.

If there are multiple trusts, more complex reuqests, or your request causes are shortfall or constraint vioation, we may suggest that you submit the case to the Optimo Financial SDS .

Trust with an SMSF as a beneficiary

This is outside the scope of the standard support, but a workaround may be possible in the SDS, if you provide specific details.

Details of what you would like the results to look like.

Any case with a Trust that has an SMSF as a beneficiary, can only be done in the Optimo Financial SDS .

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