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How to download results into a document (Strategy Paper, SOA (Statement of Advice) Foundation document, Strategy Comparison)

How to download results into a document

When you are happy with the results of a scenario, you can download the results into an MS Word document, which you can then edit and present to your clients.


(warning) WARNING

The documents generated by Pathfinder online may be incomplete and should be reviewed and edited before presenting them.


Check you are happy with your scenario results


(optional) Include some notes for the customer

In the Scenario description (for Customer) field at the top of the Cash flows & Goals step, you can add notes for your customer, such as an explanation of what was modelled or commentary about the results.  Any text entered here will appear in the results documents.

For more, see How to use the 'Scenario description (for customer)' field to add notes to a results document.


Download a Strategy Paper or SOA (single scenario documents)

Strategy Papers and SOAs only contain one scenario:

  • Go to the Results > Documents step (top menu)

  • Make sure you have selected the tab for the scenario you want

  • (Optional) Set options options for your document:

    • Choose whether or not to include charts

    • Select what years to show in the detailed reports (if you want to know what number a particular financial year is, use the Age Lookup table)

  • Download the document by clicking one of the buttons:

    • Download Strategy Paper:

      • The Strategy paper includes: Assumptions, Strategy Summary, Action items and big set of detailed reports

      • The Strategy report for cash shortfall has a selection of reports and explanations to help troubleshoot a cash shortfall

      • The Strategy Overview is shorter than the 'Strategy paper'. It contains a Strategy summary, Assumptions and a detailed cash flows report, but neither action items nor the full set of detailed reports.

    • Download SOA Foundation (Beta) button

The document will then be created and downloaded (the location of the downloaded file will depend on your browser settings)


Download a 'Strategy Comparison' document

The 'Strategy Comparison' document contains the charts at the 'Compare' step, plus some additional tables for asset distribution at the end of the analysis and at retirement. To download:

  1. Go to the Compare > Documents step

  2. Select the scenarios you want to include in the document

  3. (Optional) Set options for your document:

    • Choose whether or not to include charts

    • Select what years to show in the detailed reports (if you want to know what number a particular financial year is, use the Age Lookup table)

  4. Download the document by clicking the Download strategy comparison button and choosing a template:

    1. Strategy comparison just has the charts and tables comparing your selected scenarios

    2. Strategy comparison wCashflows has the charts and tables comparing your selected scenarios and also includes the assumptions and cash flows report for each scenario.


Check the document

See How to check a results document and helper spreadsheets.


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