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How to check data imported from Dash

Importing data from Dash can save you time on double data entry, however, it is important to know what is and isn't imported so that you can make sure the data in Pathfinder is complete and correct before you solve.

In summary, you can import the following data from Dash to Pathfinder:

  • Individuals

  • Family homes

  • Investment property

  • Lifestyle assets

  • Income entered as annual amount

  • Expenses entered as an annual amount

Once your import is done, please see the sections below for what you need to check in the imported data and what you will need to add directly into Pathfinder.

Start date for analysis

For current asset/loan balances, Pathfinder always assumes the value is correct for the 'Start date of analysis' (1 July of the current financial year, unless the case was created between April - June, where it is 1 July of the next financial year), rather than any 'as at date' you may have entered in Dash. This is because, by default, Pathfinder does its analysis for full financial years and cannot currently scale for partial years.

Add any missing items

Dependant children (in the 'Current situation > Personal details' step)

You only need to include dependant children in Pathfinder if you would like to include an estimate for the family tax benefit.

For more information about how to add them to Pathfinder, see Dependants.

Existing Assets (except for property, family home and lifestyle assets)

Family homes, Investment properties (Holiday homes in Dash) and Lifestyle assets will be imported from Dash to Pathfinder, other assets will need to be entered manually.

Check if you have entered any of the following in Dash at the Information > Assets & Liabilities step:

  • In Dash, in the Assets - general section, any asset with the 'type=Other'

  • All items in the Assets -Investments section

If you do, they need to be entered directly into PAthfinder, because they will not be imported. To do this:

  1.  Go to the Current situation step (top menu), then the Assets & Loans sub-step. And then click the +Add Assets button (on the left menu).

  2. For more help adding these items to Pathfinder, see the relevant Pathfinder help page:

Existing Loans

Liabilities are not imported. so they need to be entered manually in Pathfinder.

Check if you have entered any liabilities in Dash:

  1. In Dash, go to the, Information > Assets & Liabilities step and check if you have any Liabilities. If so, you need to enter them in Pathfinder manually (see next steps)

  2. In Dash, go to the Cash flows section, and check if you added any 'loan repayment' expenses. If so, they should be removed from Pathfinder's Cash flows section, and added with the loan.

To add loans in Pathfinder:

  • Go to the Current situation step (top menu), then the Assets & Loans sub-step, and then click the +Add Loans button (on the left menu).

  • For more help adding loans, see the relevant Pathfinder help page:

Existing Superannuation and SMSFs

SMSFs are not imported at all, and Retail/Industry super funds are only partially imported, so they need to be entered manually in Pathfinder.

Go to Current situation step (top menu) , and then the Super & trusts sub-step:

  • Check the ‘SUPER’ section for any SMSFs - if you have any, then you need to re-enter the SMSF with the +Add SMSF button, and then remove it from the ‘SUPER’ section. You will need to enter the SMSF details in Pathfinder from scratch (including the members, member balances and all asset/loan details). For more details, see SMSF (Self-Managed Super Fund) .

  • For Retail or Industry Super funds - Some information you entered in Dash will be in Pathfinder, but you should review it and then add the investments in the fund (including the pension and accumulation phase balances) by clicking the +Add investment to super fund button. For more details, see Superannuation (a.k.a Super) or How to enter the details for a superannuation account

Existing Insurance

Insurance entered in Dash as an expense will be imported into Pathfinder as an expense, but in Pathfinder, it's better to include it as the specific Insurance object, so you can easily cancel it or stop it at retirement, and so it appears in the 'Insurance' section in the results.

To do this:

  1. In Dash, check if you've entered the insurance details as an expense, so you can refer to the values.

  2. In Pathfinder, add the insurance at the Insurance step (under the Current situation step (top menu)). Entering insurance at this step allows you to easily cancel insurance or stop it at retirement in different scenarios. For more details, see Insurance.

  3. If you entered the insurance as an expense in Dash, then in Pathfinder, check the Expenses section on the Cash flows sub-step (under the Cash flows & Goals step on the top menu). Delete any insurance expenses so they doesn't double up with what you entered at the Insurance step.

Adjust items that were imported

Some data will be imported, but you may wish to review it.

Adjust ownership for family homes and lifestyle assets if not 50-50 or 100% owned by one individual

For family homes and lifestyle assets in Dash, you can specify two owners, and in Pathfinder it will appear as 50% for each owner. However, if the percentage split is different (e.g. 60-40), then you can adjust it in Pathfinder to be more precise:

  1. Go to the Current situation > Assets & loans step

  2. For each item that is not 50-50, edit the ‘Ownership’ field to reflect the actual percentage split between the individuals.


  • It is important for the 'Ownership' field to be accurate because it is used to allocate the income from the asset and balance of the asset to each individual which is used for calculating tax and government benefits.

  • For investment properties, in Dash you can specify any percentage split, and this will be saved in Pathfinder without needing to be adjusted.

‘Income’ cash flows - check for items which should be removed or moved

Firstly, in Dash, in the 'Income' section, check if you have used any of the following types:

  • Related Trust Distributions (entered with Trusts)

  • Centrelink/DVA

  • Investment/Rent

  • Super income stream (enter as super fund)

  • Non-super income stream

If so, then in Pathfinder you should:

  1. Adjust your Pathfinder inputs to include the information in the correct place so that Pathfinder will model the items correctly. The adjustments to make are as follows:

    1. For Related Trust Distributions, add a Trust. For more information, see Trusts.

    2. For Centrelink/DVA, if it is the Age Pension, see How to include or exclude the Government Age Pension

    3. For Investment/Rent, you should make sure that the the asset earning the income is added (e.g. add a property and then you can add its rental income there). For more, see Entering Data in Pathfinder.

    4. For Super income stream, see How to include an account-based pension (ABP) and/or How to include or exclude a Transition to retirement income stream (TRIS, formerly known as TTR)

    5. For a 'Non-super income stream', if it is an annuity, see Annuity in our help docs for how to enter it in Pathfinder.

  2. Delete the original income from Pathfinder's Cash flows & Goals > Cash flows section, so it doesn't double up in your calculations.

‘Income’ cash flows - review ‘type’ and ‘frequency’

For income that belongs in the income section, you should check:

  • For any income with type=Wages/Salary, ensure that the value you have entered is before tax (i.e. gross income) and excluding the super guarantee.  Pathfinder calculates tax and super guarantee based on the gross income.

  • Fill in the correct 'Type' if it is blank - different types have different defaults (e.g. taxed, apply super guarantee, stop at retirement). For more details, see Income.

    • NOTE: In Dash, if you have filled in the 'Taxable' field, this is overwritten with the default tax status corresponding to the Pathfinder type you choose. e.g. if you entered a gross salary in Dash and marked it as 'Taxable=No', in Pathfinder it will appear as 'Salary/Wages' and will be taxable.

  • Review whether you would like to stop or change values future years. For example, an individual might be changing to full time work. For more, see How to use the series builder.

  • Frequency - check that the frequency listed in Pathfinder matches what you entered in Dash. e.g. if you entered ‘weekly’ in Dash, it will appear as ‘Annual’ in Pathfinder, so you’ll need to correct it in Pathfinder.

‘Expense’ cash flows - check for items which should be removed or moved

Firstly, in Dash, in the 'Expense' section, check if you have used any of the following types:

  • Super contributions

  • Mortgage repayments

  • Income tax

  • Insurance

  • Debt repayments

If so, then in Pathfinder you should:

  1. Adjust your Pathfinder inputs, so that Pathfinder will model the items correctly. The adjustment to make are as follows:

    1. For Super contributions, you can set options for making voluntary super contributions at the Retirement planning goal step

    2. For Mortgage repayments, you should enter them with the loan. For more, see Secured loan and Unsecured loan.

    3. For Income tax, you don't need to enter anything specific. Pathfinder will calculate income tax based on the data you have entered. To review the tax calculations, see Tax results (Individual and super)

    4. For Insurance, it should be added in the Insurance section

    5. For Debt repayments, it should be added with the loan. For more, see Secured loanUnsecured loan or HELP debt (a.k.a Higher Education Loan Programme debt, HECS debt)

  2. Remove the corresponding expenses from the Cash flows & Goals > Cash flows section, so it doesn't double up on your calculations

‘Expense’ cash flows - review ‘type’ and ‘frequency’

For expenses that belong in the expense section, you should:

  • Fill in the correct 'Type' if it is blank - different types have different defaults. For more details, see Expense:

    • NOTE: In Dash, if you have filled in the 'Deductible' field, this is overwritten with the default tax status corresponding to the Pathfinder type you choose.

  • Check that the frequency listed in Pathfinder matches what you entered in Dash. e.g. it might be listed and 'Annual' or 'Invalid' in Pathfinder, when it should be 'Weekly'

  • Review whether you would like to stop or change values future years. For example, you can stop school fees once the child graduates. For more, see How to use the series builder.

Check for errors and warnings for any other missing data

  1. If you have an item in your case and it doesn't have all the data that Pathfinder needs, then you will get an error message.  To see the list of all the error message on your case:

    1. Go to the Results > Solve step

    2. At 'Step 1: Check errors and warning in your input data', you can click links to take you to the page needing the correction

  2. Alternatively, you can also click through each step and check for errors and warnings marked on each field

Next steps

Once you have checked your data, you can add scenarios and do your analaysis. For more tips, see:

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