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Retirement Planning and Build Super results

For general tips about reading the results, see the Results step.

Results for super contributions

For each individual, at the Strategy summary sub-step (under the Results step on the top menu) you will see a section called Build super, which gives an overview of whether pre-tax and after-tax super contributions are made.

At the Cash flows & action items  sub-step (under the  Results  step on the top menu):

  • The Cash flows report > Expenditure section lists:

    • Voluntary pre-tax super contributions, which includes salary sacrifice and self-employed deductible contributions (for any super guarantee paid, see the Super deposits summary report) relative to the annual cap and the inidividual's carried-forward unused concessional cap.

    • Voluntary after-tax super contributions (i.e. non-concessional super deposits)

  • There will be an action item when voluntary super contributions are made

At the Detailed reports sub-menu (on the Results step on the top menu), the following reports may be useful:

  • Under (Individual) > Cash flows:

    • Super deposits summary - shows, by year, all super contributions (super guarantee and voluntary contributions), tax, and relevant caps

    • Spouse contribution - shows any annual contributions to spouse

At the Compare step on the top menu, on the Superannuation tab, there are two charts comparing the projected total super balances.

Results for account-based pensions

  • For each individual, at the Strategy summary sub-step (under the Results step on the top menu) you will see a section called Retire, which shows the retirement date, income from super and Age Pension (but not other assets) during retirement.

  • At the Cash flows & action items  sub-step (under the  Results  step on the top menu):

    • The Cash flows report > Revenue section lists (if present):

      • Superannuation income stream (i.e. account-based pension payments)

      • Transition to retirement income stream (i.e. TRIS payments)

      • Lump sum withdrawals from super

    • An action item will appear if any of the following occur:

      • Income from super: TRIS, ABP, lump sum withdrawals (including tax status)

      • Rollovers between pension and accumulation phase (e.g. how much to rollover to start a pension)

  • Detailed reports sub-menu (on the Results step on the top menu), the following reports may be useful:

    • Under (Individual) > Cash flows:

      • Superannuation transfer balance account - shows annual transfer balance cap and individual's transfer balance cap after rollovers and transfers to, and withdrawals from, pension account

      • Withdrawals from super funds summary - shows, year-by-year, withdrawals and payments from super, and whether they are taxable or tax-free

    • Super fund balances (under (Individual) report) - lists all super funds and SMSFs for the individual with a breakdown of the accumulation or pension phase balances.

    • Super fund balances (under Consolidated report) - lists all super funds and SMSFs for all individuals, and balances in the accumulation or pension phases

    • (Individual) report (that is, the top report for an individual), in the Assets balance (end of year) section, shows the end-of-year balance for super funds and SMSFs.

  • Also see Superannuation and SMSF Results

Results for Age Pension

Results for the Age Pension will be listed in the following places (the same for the Disability Support Pension (DSP), if you had requested for it to be included).

At the Cash flows & action items  sub-step (under the  Results  step on the top menu), if the Age Pension is paid, then:

  • On the the Cash flows report, the Revenue section will have a line called 'Government pension' payment

  • An action item will appear in years they are projected to receive the Age Pension, including what percentage of full Pension they are projected to receive

At the Detailed reports sub-menu (on the Results step on the top menu), the following reports may be useful:

  • Government pension report (under (Individual name) report) - details the outcomes for the assets and income tests, and any pension payment for the year:

    • This report will be created if you chose to include an Age Pension estimate.  It will be present even if the estimated payment is zero. If you cannot see this report, then you need to adjust your inputs to include an Age Pension estimate.

    • Underneath this report, there are sub-reports for the Asset test and Income test

    • Also see Investigating an Age Pension payment

  • Government pension income test (under (Individual) > (Super fund/SMSF) > (Super fund/SMSF) pension) shows the calculation of any government Age Pension payments

At the Compare step on the top menu, on the Other charts step, there is a chart comparing the Age Pension received for all individuals in the case.

Adjusting your results

If you would like to change something in the results or make another scenario for comparison, you need to change your input data and solve again. See Retirement planning goal (super contributions and pensions) for data entry tips, or these links for more tips: 

Superannuation options

Age pension options

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