Release notes
We regularly update Pathfinder with new features or with technical updates (e.g. legislation, interest rates, assumptions).
You can sign up here to be the first to be notified for any changes!
Most recent release
New feature updates
New features, such as new modelling features and reports (the latest release is at the top):
For older releases notes, see Full list of releases and annoucements.
Technical updates in past year
For the latest information about legislative updates, see Legislative updates and Optimo Pathfinder
- Technical update and Assumptions update (Dolphin v4)
- Technical update: Age pension, Aged care, FTB (Dolphin v3)
- Technical update: HELP debt repayment thresholds (Dolphin v2)
- Default start date for analysis is now 1 July 2024
- Technical update: CPI, AWOTE, Tax cuts, and more (Dolphin v2)
- Technical update: Age pension & Aged care (Zogg v2)
- Global update: Lonsec returns (Young v2)
- Technical update: HELP thresholds, Age pension, Aged care, FTB (Xiake v4)
- Technical update: Medicare levy income threshold indexation (Xiake v3)
- Default start date for analysis is now 1 July 2023
For older release notes, see Full list of releases and annoucements .
Other announcements
- Update to Optimo Pathfinder terms and conditions
- 2023 list of legislative updates
- 2022 list of legislative updates
- 2021 list of legislative changes
- 2020 list of legislative updates
- 2019 list of legislative updates
- 2018 List of legislative and technical updates
- 2016 list of legislative and technical updates
- 2017 list of technical and legislative updates